Corona support

The current situation is changing rapidly. Our specialists are constantly working to keep up-to-date so that they can be of the best possible help to you. So, make sure you keep an eye on our website. Do you have any questions about any of these measures and want advice for your company? If so, contact your adviser at Visser & Visser or email
Find an update about the latest developments for financial support below.
Temporary Emergency Bridging Measure for Sustained Employment
Relaxation of tax payments and lowering of fines
Temporary Bridging Scheme for Independent Entrepeneurs
The scheme was extended by 4 months up to the end of September under the name Tozo 2. It is no longer possible to apply for either Tozo 1 or Tozo 2.
The scheme has now been extended further in the form of Tozo 3 and Tozo 4. Tozo 3 runs from October 1, 2020 to April 1, 2021, while Tozo 4 runs from April 1, 2021 to July 1, 2021. The conditions that apply to Tozo 4 will be announced in early 2021.
Tozo 3 is currently in progress. For this scheme there is still no partner or means test. In addition, it is not possible to apply for this scheme with retroactive effect for the whole period. In October and November 2021 it will be possible to apply with retroactive effect up to October 1 and, after this, from the first of the month in which the application is made.
Contribution to Fixed Costs for SMEs (TVL)
It is no longer possible to apply for the first period of the TVL scheme.
The extended TVL scheme runs from October 1, 2020 to the end of June 2021. The scheme is divided into 3 periods of 3 months (quarters). A fresh application must be submitted for each period.
Please note: there are a number of differences compared with the first period of the TVL.
- For the 4th quarter of 2020 all SMEs may apply for the TVL. This is an important change: initially it was restricted to a limited group based on established Standard Business Identification (SBI) codes. This no longer applies for the 4th quarter of 2020. From the 1st quarter of 2021 the restriction to established SBI codes will, however, apply again.
- Your fixed costs must be a minimum of € 3,000 over a period of 3 months (previously: € 4,000 over 4 months).
- The subsidy is a maximum of € 90,000 (previously a maximum of € 50,000).
- From the 3rd period the threshold for the drop in turnover will be increased incrementally. From October 1 to December 31, 2020 the present threshold of a drop in turnover of at least 30% still applies.
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland – RVO) has developed an advisory tool that calculates the level of the contribution. Click here to use this advisory tool.
Sector-specific measures
Set Covid-19 2.0: subsidy for digital care applications
Providers of care and support under the Social Support Act (WMO), district nursing, general practice care and/or mental healthcare can apply for a subsidy for digital care applications from July 27. The subsidy scheme is intended to support initiatives for remote digital care.
You can find more information on the subsidy and applying for it here (in Dutch).
Temporary guarantee for farmers and horticulturalists (BL-C)
The existing guarantee scheme for farmers and horticulturalists has been extended to include a bridging loan for healthy businesses in this sector that have been affected by the coronavirus crisis. Under this scheme the government is guaranteeing a maximum of € 1.5 million per business.
The maximum term of the BL-C loan is 16 quarters. The loan can be redeemed on a straight-line basis or in a single amount at the end of the term.
The government’s guarantee is a maximum of 70% of the amount to be financed.
You can find more information on the BL-C scheme and applying for it here (in Dutch).
€ 482 million extra state support for the cultural sector
The cultural sector is receiving € 482 million of extra support on top of the generic government measures and a previously promised cultural support package of approx. € 220 million. This means that, in total, over € 700 million has been made available for culture. In addition, € 40 million is being released for independent theater producers.
The extra subsidy is intended for institutions that are essential for the sector as a whole. It is being divided over different parts of the sector.
You can find more information about this here (in Dutch).
€ 60 million extra state support for sports clubs
The government has set aside € 60 million to compensate amateur sports clubs for financial damage they have suffered. The Compensation for Landlords of Sports Facilities (Tegemoetkoming Verhuurders Sportaccommodaties – TVS) and Compensation for Amateur Sports Organizations (Tegemoetkoming Amateursportorganisaties – TASO) schemes are being opened up again from October 1 to December 31, 2020. More details will be announced later.
Temporary Support Fund for Local Information Provision
For local and regional media the Temporary Support Fund for Local Information Provision (Tijdelijk Steunfonds Lokale Informatievoorziening) has been extended up to the end of 2020. Local media have seen an enormous fall in advertising income and generally have few reserves. By means of this extension, as part of which € 24 million will be made available, the government wants to ensure that local information provision is maintained over the coming months.
You can find more information on this scheme here (in Dutch).
Continuity contribution for care providers
Health insurers will be giving care providers financial assistance if they suffer a loss of income during the coronavirus crisis. Care providers who are not directly involved in the care of coronavirus patients may be eligible for a monthly continuity contribution. In this way they will be compensated for a lower turnover as a result of the coronavirus crisis. They can use the contribution to continue paying their fixed costs, such as personnel and accommodation costs, for example.
From May 15, 2021, care providers who provide care that is reimbursed under the basic insurance or a supplementary insurance scheme can apply for a monthly continuity contribution. See also this news report on the website of Zorgverzekeraars Nederland, the umbrella organization for Dutch health insurers.
You can find more information about the scheme and the terms and conditions in the following attachments (in Dutch):
- Coronavirus crisis – Letter to organizations of care providers)
- Terms and conditions
- Frequently asked questions on the continuity contribution
- Calculation of continuity contribution
- Health insurers support general practitioners with concrete measures
For up-to-date information and Q&A please refer to the website of Zorgverzekeraars Nederland.
For advice on this scheme contact your advisor within Visser & Visser or e-mail
Financing and/or loan schemes
We are naturally happy to help, so if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your advisor at Visser & Visser or email to
Questions about work, pay and coronavirus
As a consequence of the coronavirus, you are having to deal with questions that you may never have faced before. Questions such as: do I have to continue paying my employee if he has to self-isolate because someone in his household is infected? And what are the options if an employee has symptoms and is staying at home? Read more about work, pay and coronavirus in our blog (in Dutch).
Information about latest developments
More information about our protocol concerning corona you can find below.
Appointments and events
Our colleagues have been informed of our coronavirus policy and the resultant measures, which have been set out in a protocol. Amongst other things, this covers matters in the area of (personal) hygiene and what to do in case of sickness, including with regard to coronavirus (in your household). In addition, we are following the information and guidelines of the Government and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). From among our management and staff, we have set up a core team to actively follow the information, updates it as needed and share it with the organisation.
* Within the firm we are working with Microsoft Teams and can send you a meeting request from Outlook. Via the meeting in Outlook you can take part in the discussion, even if you do not work with Microsoft Teams yourself. The meeting opens in your browser. You may be asked to allow access to microphone and video. Your screen can also be shared during this meeting.Office accessibility
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