At the moment of writing we are amidst the processing of the results of the latest European Elections. Regardless what the European Parliament eventually will look like, a general tendency is that countries call for European cooperation in various ways. For this purpose, there are various subsidized programs in place like the Horizon 2020 program. These programs are aimed towards increasing intra-EU cooperation. Also, the fact that they boost innovation across various industries and services is what makes these programs interesting to investigate and participate in.
Audits and procedures
In the past years, Visser & Visser has accumulated a lot of knowledge about the European Grant Programs. These experiences enable us to perform the audits and agreed-upon procedures that usually come with (the final claims of) these programs in an efficient and smooth way. Based on our knowledge we can advise you upfront the subsidy period to provide the necessary data and information, have underpinning evidence for the final claim and prevent for inefficient and extended audits in the end. In case of a joint execution of a subsidized program (like a consortium situation) we sometimes also act as auditor for the whole consortium to reduce the audit costs on the program by using our experience for this specific program for all the partners in the subsidized program.
Are you currently in need of a review, audit or other kind of confirmation regarding your grant claim? Feel free to reach out to one of the specialists listed below.
J.L. (Robert) van Beveren MSc RA – Manager Audit E. Bakker – Manager International Business