Our colleague Erik Klop has been appointed as a member of the World Board of Directors of PrimeGlobal, a global associationof leading accounting and advisory firms. As a board member, Erik will contribute to the further development and international collaboration within the association. 

Erik Klop on his appointment: 

"International business requires strong partnerships and local expertise. Thanks to PrimeGlobal’s powerful network, we can provide our clients with the advice and support they need in their specific markets worldwide. In addition, PrimeGlobal offers a valuable platform for knowledge sharing and development, allowing our firm to continuously grow and innovate. In this role within PrimeGlobal, we not only strengthen our international collaboration but also contribute to the strategic direction and execution of initiatives within the association.” 

As a member of PrimeGlobal, Visser & Visser has access to an extensive international network of professionals. With over 300 offices in 112 countries, we offer our clients a wide range of opportunities to conduct business wherever they choose. Together, we turn international ambitions into reality. 

Curious about how we can support you? Get in touch with us! 

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  • Icon Copy 3 Professional advice
  • Icon Copy 3 Up-to-date insight into your business
  • Icon Copy 3 A personal advisor